From promise to progress. The future of health research is now.

The All of Us Research Program is accelerating research advances and precision medicine.

Our nationwide community of participants and researchers is partnering together to ensure that everyone is included in research. The information our participants generously share is fueling thousands of studies to better understand health and disease and enable more tailored and equitable approaches to care.


What's New at All of Us

Good Morning America

All of Us was featured on Good Morning America, with a reporter joining the program to highlight how the data collected helps participants make health decisions and the value of a massive health database to the entire country. 

Susana Elivra

The All of Us Research Program has returned personalized health-related DNA results to more than 100,000 participants and identified 7,000 new genetic variants that will improve genetic testing for all. 

Joshua Denny

All of Us CEO Josh Denny shares an update on the program’s impact and accomplishments and details future plans for the program in the face of uncertain funding. 

Interested in the All of Us Research Program?
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Diversity, transparency, and accessibility are core values that guide All of Us.
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The Dataset

All of Us' one-of-a-kind dataset is stored on the Researcher Workbench, a secure, cloud-based platform. Registered researchers can access data from surveys, genomic analyses, electronic health records, physical measurements, and wearables to study the full range of factors that influence health and disease.

Opportunities for Researchers

Research focuses on the intersection of three factors

The All of Us Research Program is part of the National Institutes of Health.

We are actively partnering with academic institutions, health care organizations, community partners, and others to create a groundbreaking national research platform.