November 28, 2016

NIH Commons Portal Training

“As part of the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative, the Office of the Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS) has partnered with the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (CAMH), operated by MITRE, to launch the Commons Credits Pilot. This program is designed to yield a more efficient and cost-effective means for NIH-funded investigators to gain access to cutting-edge computing power, storage, and analysis through vetted commercial cloud vendors, with shorter application requirements and review times. NIH may provide up to $6 million in credits to investigators, in allotments up to $50,000 or more. Three open submission cycles will occur before summer 2017, with the first call for applications opens November 30, 2016. Successful applications should complement a procured NIH grant and will be evaluated for content, scientific contribution, and novelty. Apply here: The Commons Credits Model team will be presenting at the BD2K All Hands Meeting, November 29-30, please stop by their poster and ask questions!”

This page last reviewed on December 13, 2016