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December 17, 2012
Statement on the Passing of Senator Daniel Inouye

I am deeply saddened by the news of Senator Inouye's death. He was an unflagging champion of biomedical research. In a lifetime of public service that extended from his decorated military service in World War II all the way to this year's Senate business as Chair of Appropriations, Senator Inouye was a dedicated and heroic leader for our country. He was a staunch advocate for the promise of medical science, especially the hope it holds for our wounded warriors.
Senator Inouye always worked in a bipartisan fashion. He cared not for personal attention or glory. Some of his greatest achievements happened behind the scenes. In times past, many of those legendary milestones were achieved with his dear friend, Senator Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon, for whom he had the NIH Clinical Center named. I extend my condolences to Senator Inouye's family in their time of grief. He is one of the last of a generation that will be sorely missed.
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, National Institutes of Health