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Timeline on NIH’s Decision to End the Use of Chimpanzees in Research
October 2018
NIH announces decision on relocating at-risk chimpanzees.
May 2018
Council of Councils provides recommendations on factors to be considered by veterinary staff when deciding to relocate at-risk NIH-owned and -supported chimpanzees to the Federal sanctuary.
February 2018
NIH charges a working group of the Council of Councils to assess the safety of relocating at-risk chimpanzees.
August 2016
NIH develops plan to retire NIH-owned and -supported chimpanzees
June 2015
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalizes rule listing all chimpanzees as endangered under the endangered species act
November 2015
NIH announces it will no longer support biomedical research using chimpanzees
June 2013
NIH announces it will significantly reduce the use of chimpanzees in research
January 2013
NIH Council of Councils present recommendations for how to implement the NAS recommendations.
December 2011
NIH Director accepts National Academy of Sciences recommendations and charges a working group of the Council of Councils to make recommendation on how to implement them.
December 2011
The National Academies (then the Institute of Medicine) issues report: Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research: Assessing the Necessity. Concludes that most current use of chimpanzees in biomedical research is unnecessary and that the use of chimpanzees in research that may still be needed should be guided by a set of principles and criteria.
December 2010
NIH Director commissioned a study by the Institute of Medicine to determine the continued scientific need for chimpanzees in NIH-funded research.