
Sample stimuli

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Sample stimuli


Sample images used for testing brain responses in children. To understand how the brain reacts to visual stimuli during development, the researchers grouped stimuli into five domains, each with two categories: characters (words, numbers), body parts (headless bodies, limbs), faces (adult faces, child faces), objects (cars, string instruments), and places (corridors, houses).


Kalanit Grill-Spector and Marisa Nordt.


Five columns with two rows of images. Column 1, row 1 is the text “words. Column 1, row 2 are printed numbers. Column 2, row 1 is a body with no head. Column 2, row 2 is a hand. Column 3, row 1 is a woman’s face. Column 3, row 2 is a child’s face. Column 4, row 1 is a car. Column 4, row 2 is a guitar. Column 5, row 1 is a hallway. Column 5, row 2 is a house. Sample images used for testing brain responses in children. To understand how the brain reacts to visual stimuli during development, the researchers grouped stimuli into five domains, each with two categories: characters (words, numbers), body parts (headless bodies, limbs), faces (adult faces, child faces), objects (cars, string instruments), and places (corridors, houses). They then used fMRI to measure activation in the ventral temporal cortex.


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Sample stimuli