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IC Directors’ Meeting Highlights — August 22, 2013
Dr. Collins provided brief update on upcoming August 26th visit of OMD leadership to NIH. He also announced the appointment of the new AHRQ director, Dr. Richard Kronick. Additionally, Dr. Collins provided a brief overview of the Leadership Forum topics.
EEO – Diversity and Inclusion/Language Access: Debra Chew
Ms. Chew, recently appointed director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) presented on diversity and inclusion and language access. Her remarks focused on the vision, portfolio and strategic plan for OEODM.
NIH Coordination with the USPSTF: David Murray
Dr. Murray, director of Office of Disease Prevention (ODP), presented on the need for improved coordination between the NIH and the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). The USPSTF is primarily concerned with screening tests, preventive medications and counseling about healthy behaviors. ODP is the main NIH liaison to the USPSTF and plays a significant role in facilitation of input on a variety of Task Force activities.
This page last reviewed on August 6, 2015