A vaccine made by connecting antigens from different flu strains together elicited a more broadly protective immune response than a conventional flu vaccine.
Researchers uncovered the structural details of how low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad,” cholesterol, interacts with its receptor molecule to enter cells.
December 17, 2007 —
Chest pain or discomfort has long been regarded as the most common early warning sign of a heart attack for both men and women. However, several recent reports have found that women are more likely to have other symptoms of a heart attack. A new...
December 17, 2007 —
A family of proteins commonly found in mouse urine can spark a fight between male mice, researchers have found. The finding is a major step in understanding how chemical cues called pheromones communicate messages between mammals.
December 10, 2007 —
An innovative curriculum significantly improved several cognitive skills in low-income, urban preschool children, a new study found. The improvement came without any special equipment, using regular teachers in public school classrooms.
December 10, 2007 —
Cholera has been virtually eliminated in the United States. However, it continues to pose problems in areas without modern sewage and water treatment systems. The disease might be controlled in such areas, according to a new study, if as few as half...
December 10, 2007 —
A widely used blood test for detecting the earliest stages of prostate cancer may fail to spot the disease in obese men because of their greater blood volume, according to a recent study. The finding suggests that clinicians may need to rethink the...